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2013년 11월 23일 토요일

About 'what is the best university for medical school'|.... (best coffee in N.A...it, I believe that the last time I ... was in Canada. They weren...around the house for a while and ..., What am I doing...

About 'what is the best university for medical school'|.... (best coffee in N.A...it, I believe that the last time I ... was in Canada. They weren...around the house for a while and ..., What am I doing...

Are               you               constantly               struggling               to               stay               awake               at               work               or               in               class?

Many               people               have               this               problem               -               and               there               may               be               a               simple               solution.

If               you're               eating               a               large               meal               during               the               day,               it               could               be               causing               you               to               nod               off               and               not               get               your               work               done.

According               to               a               new               study,               being               hungry               may               help               a               person               avoid               feeling               tired               and               sleepy               during               the               day.

Does               Being               Hungry               Reduce               Sleepiness               During               the               Day?
               Recently,               researchers               at               Washington               University               found               that               starving               fruit               flies               need               less               sleep.

In               fact,               these               sleep-deprived               flies               were               able               to               stay               awake               almost               three               times               as               long               as               well-fed               fruit               flies.

Scientists               believe               this               makes               sense               since               a               fruit               fly               that's               starving               needs               to               stay               alert               to               find               the               food               it               needs               to               survive.
               Does               the               same               hold               true               for               humans?

Small               studies               show               that               humans               who               are               fasting               sleep               less.

This               may               be               due               to               the               fact               that               fasting               increases               levels               of               the               stress               hormone               cortisol,               which               triggers               greater               wakefulness               and               alertness.
               The               researchers               in               this               study               also               found               that               starved               fruit               flies               exhibit               changes               in               the               way               they               metabolize               fats               in               response               to               food               deprivation,               which               could               made               them               better               able               to               function               without               sleep.

This               alteration               in               fat               metabolism               may               play               a               role               in               regulating               sleep               in               fruit               flies.
               Being               Hungry               and               Sleepiness               in               Humans
               Fruit               flies               that               are               deprived               of               food               are               able               to               stay               awake               without               suffering               serious               brain               drain,               but               the               same               may               not               be               true               in               humans.

Most               humans               find               it               hard               to               focus               on               school               or               work               when               they're               hungry               and               are               likely               to               divert               their               attention               towards               finding               a               good               meal               -               rather               than               listening               to               the               instructor               or               their               boss.

For               this               reason,               starvation               isn't               a               good               tactic               for               staying               awake               in               class               -               or               being               more               productive               at               work.
               So               what               is               the               best               approach?

To               avoid               sleepiness               during               the               day,               it's               best               not               to               eat               a               large               breakfast               or               lunch               -               but,               instead,               eat               a               series               of               small               meals               or               healthy               snacks               during               the               day.

A               large               meal               diverts               blood               flow               away               from               the               brain               and               towards               the               digestive               tract               to               digest               the               recently               eaten               food.

Eating               foods               that               are               high               in               carbohydrates               further               aggravates               this               problem               by               increasing               serotonin               levels               in               the               brain               -               which               causes               drowsiness.
               Avoiding               Sleepiness               during               the               Day:               The               Bottom               Line?
               If               you're               struggling               to               stay               awake               during               the               day,               don't               eat               a               large               meal               -               especially               one               high               in               carbohydrates.

Eat               four               or               five               protein-rich,               nutritious               snacks               instead               -               to               keep               your               insulin               levels               under               control               and               send               more               blood               flowing               to               your               brain               instead               of               your               stomach.

Try               taking               a               brisk               walk               if               you               start               to               feel               sleepy,               but               make               sure               it's               not               to               the               nearest               vending               machine.
               Medical               News               Today.

"Being               Hungry               May               Provide               A               Way               To               Stay               Awake               Without               Feeling               Groggy               Or               Mentally               Challenged"

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what is the best university for medical school

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what is the best university for medical school

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what is the best university for medical school

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what is the best university for medical school

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