About 'national-louis university'|On My Mind
St. Louis is a pretty literate city. It ranked high on a recent list of the most literate cities in America. It has been the home of such notable writers as Tennessee Williams and T.S. Elliot, among others. We also have two major universities, Wash U. and St. Louis University, and a fair number of independent bookstores, as well as the major chains like Borders and Barnes and Noble. And we have our fair share of "literary pubs" too. It's hard to define what exactly a literary pub is other than it's where the intelligentsia go when they want a bite to eat and aren't hanging out at the local coffee shops or bookstores. Here are a few of the best places to hang out in St. Louis if you have a literary bent. If you don't, then go there anyway as you might just walk out a little smarter as well as being full. My favorite pub/restaurant with a literary bent has got to be Dressel's down at 419 Euclid Avenue in that most literate section of the city: the Central West End. This cozy Welsh pub has hundreds of pictures of famed literati hanging on the walls as well as Mozart playing on the stereo loop. Regardless of your IQ you can swig down some Double Dragon Ale and munch on some of the best potato chips in the city. Try them with the malt vinegar and a light sprinkling of Parmesan cheese. Delicious. Other items on the menu vary but the stew and ribs that I've gotten there were very good also. A few years back I had an occasion to meet the owner, John Dressel. We were fortunate enough to spend part of New Year's Eve at the pub with him and his wife. It was a delightful evening. John is a Bard and a poet who spends his time between here in St. Louis and Wales. He has won prizes in major poetry competitions both here and in the U.K. Some notable works include "Out of Wales" (1984), "The Road to Shiloh" (1994), and "Hard Love and Country" (1977). At the time we met he was the Director of Staff for the Creative Writing program at Trinity College in Carmarthen, Wales. Although it's not considered a literary pub, the Schlafly Tap Room becomes the place to be once a year in January when they host Robert Burn's Night. Celebrated around the Bard's birthday, this event features lots of Scotch Ale and traditional food like Cock-a-Leeky Soup, Scotch Eggs, and Haggis, sans the sheep's belly, of course. There is also a poetry reading by one of the owners, Tom Schlafly. Robert Burns lived between 1759 and 1796. He was the national poet of Scotland and is probably most famous for his little ditty that is sung around the world on New Year's Eve, Auld Lang Syne. And the latest in the literary pub scene in St. Louis is named after another Bard, or maybe "The Bard." William Shakespeare himself. The Wm. Shakespeare Gastropub is located in the Grand Center arts district up near Fox Theater. Draft beers include Newcastle Ale, Bass Pale, Pale Harp, Boddingtons, Tennet's and, of course, Guinness. You can also snack on some Walker's, a British snack that includes flavors like prawn. (www.stltoday.com) |
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