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About 'national louis university transcripts'|Is there a "Virulent Left-Wing" Bias in Education

About 'national louis university transcripts'|Is there a "Virulent Left-Wing" Bias in Education

Peer               pressure               can               persuade               a               person               to               do               all               kinds               of               things,               from               smoking               a               cigarette               to               getting               an               eyebrow               piercing,               to               even               purchasing               a               Justin               Bieber               album.

But               if               you               think               that               peer               pressure               affects               only               tweens               obsessed               with               movies               about               vampire               romance,               think               again.

Penn               State               University               president               Rod               Erickson's               decision               to               tear               down               the               statue               of               legendary               football               coach               Joe               Paterno               proves               that               even               heads               of               universities               are               capable               of               behaving               like               gullible               teenagers.

The               famous               bronze               statue               of               Paterno,               long               a               fixture               of               the               Beaver               Stadium               landscape,               was               torn               down               earlier               this               morning,               in               an               attempt               to               bring               closure               to               the               sex               scandal               involving               Jerry               Sandusky.

In               a               statement               released               earlier               this               morning,               Erickson               stated:               "I               believe               that,               were               it               to               remain,               the               statue               will               be               a               recurring               wound               to               the               multitude               of               individuals               across               the               nation               and               beyond               who               have               been               the               victims               of               child               abuse."
               Give               me               a               break.
               If               Erickson               truly               felt               that               way,               the               statue               would               have               been               torn               down               before               the               mortician               put               the               last               coat               of               pancake               makeup               on               JoePa's               cheeks.

The               reason               why               the               Paterno               statue               was               taken               down               on               July               22,               2012,               many               months               after               the               child               abuse               allegations               made               national               headlines,               was               because               of               the               fallout               from               the               Freeh               Report,               the               so-called               "independent"               investigative               report               by               former               FBI               Director               Louis               Freeh               which               seems               to               imply               that               Paterno               was               part               of               a               major               cover-up.

But               what               did               you               expect               to               find               in               a               so-called               "independent"               report               that               was               commissioned               by               Penn               State's               Board               of               Trustees?

Did               you               actually               expect               Free               to               bite               the               hands               that               feed               him?
               While               the               Freeh               Report               is               being               cited               as               conclusive               evidence               of               Paterno's               wrongdoing,               even               the               most               ardent               JoePa               haters               are               left               grasping               at               straws               trying               to               find               something               in               the               267-page               report               that               specifically               states               that               the               coach               intentionally               tried               to               sweep               Sandusky's               dirt               under               the               proverbial               rug.

For               instance,               Johnette               Howard               of               ESPN.com               tried               her               best               to               make               Paterno               look               like               an               unconscionable               monster               (she               even               likened               the               coach               to               O.J.

Simpson),               but               came               across               looking               like               an               armchair               journalist               instead.

In               her               vitriol-drenched               tirade               against               the               Paterno               family               for               their               decision               to               finance               their               own               review               of               Freeh's               findings,               Howard               perused               the               267-page               report               and               the               best               "evidence"               she               could               come               up               with               was               an               email               from               athletic               director               Tim               Curley               to               vice               president               Gary               Schultz               and               president               Graham               Spanier               on               May               5,               1998,               which               simply               reads:               "I               have               touched               base               with               the               coach               [Paterno].

Keep               us               posted.

               That's               just               one               example,               of               course.

Read               any               article               about               the               Freeh               Report,               and               you'll               be               hard               pressed               to               come               across               any               evidence               which               conclusively               implicates               Paterno's               role               in               a               Mafiosa-like               caper.

The               fact               of               the               matter               is               that               the               Freeh               Report               is               the               end               result               of               an               investigation               which               pored               over               3               million               emails               and               documents               and               examined               400               interviews,               and               after               all               of               that               investigation,               Freeh               came               to               same               conclusion               that               Paterno               himself               did-               he               should               have               done               more.

The               report               concludes               that               Paterno               was               aware               of               the               allegations               as               early               as               1998,               and               that               he               brought               the               matter               to               the               attention               of               his               superiors,               who               sat               on               it               the               same               way               a               mother               hen               sits               on               an               egg.

In               other               words,               the               report               corroborates               what               Joe               Paterno               had               been               saying               all               along.
               However,               the               report's               language               does               little               to               preserve               the               late               coach's               reputation.

The               report               implied               that               Paterno               intervened               in               a               decision               to               report               the               2001               shower               incident               witnessed               by               former               graduate               assistant               Mike               McQueary.

Since               we               cannot               speak               for               Paterno,               and               since               he               obviously               can               no               longer               speak               for               himself,               we               have               to               assume               that               Paterno               probably               did               not               believe               McQueary,               or               possibly               believed               that               the               graduate               assistant               didn't               present               a               strong               enough               case.

This               is               a               definite               possibility,               since               that               alleged               "victim"               has               yet               to               come               forward               and               has               yet               to               be               identified,               despite               exhaustive               searches               by               authorities.

If               you               have               a               hard               time               believing               that,               do               yourself               a               favor               and               read               the               transcripts               of               the               Sandusky               trial.
               Ultimately,               university               president               Erickson               bowed               to               peer               pressure,               not               because               of               any               overwhelming               concern               for               victims               of               child               abuse,               but               to               appease               the               misguided               and               ill-informed               masses.

Those               of               you               who               applaud               the               removal               of               the               Paterno               statue               shouldn't               feel               any               sense               of               achievement.

Not               until               you               also               demand               the               removal               of               Andrew               Jackson's               statue               in               New               Orleans.

After               all,               he               was               the               one               responsible               for               the               Trail               of               Tears,               which               resulted               in               the               deaths               of               over               4,000               Native               Americans.

And               while               you're               at               it,               you               better               champion               the               removal               of               every               statue               of               the               12               U.S.

Presidents               who               owned               slaves.

And               let's               not               stop               there,               because               all               over               America               you               can               find               bronze               likenesses               of               men               who               "could               have               done               more"               but               didn't,               and               yet               these               statues               continue               to               stand.

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